we last left off, we had identified the composition of our world's
population(s), but stopped just short of figuring out exactly what
sort of countries and nations said people had arranged themselves
into over the vague timeline of Dragonsgate.
Again, we must plot forward without knowing much about the history of
our little brainchild, but fear not, we will get there eventually.
what now? We have 7 proto-nations to develop. Right now, they're
little more than occupied sites. We need to pay attention to the
characteristics of the regions we've already identified (1-7) and
also factor in the population choices we decided upon last time. A
couple of the proto-nations already have a rough identity associated
with them and now all we need to do is hammer out those details. The
more defined proto-nations would therefore be the most logical
starting point. If we need to make adjustments to their
identity/characteristics after fleshing out the remaining nations,
then it's a fairly easy process to make minor
are the nations we know we have:
- Anglo-Saxon nation
- Teutonic nation
- Iberian nation
- Middle-eastern/Mesopotamian nation
- Orc/Goblin/Troll nation
technically means that we have five figured out (roughly), but the
remaining two will also have to be figured out, unless it's
determined that they're some form of dominion of one of the other
five (which is possible). We also know that we have a tiefling
city/state to place somewhere as well as a fairie/fey, forest-kingdom
to set up, and the location of those areas will be largely determined
by the identity of their surrounding neighbors (I believe the the
tiefling city-state should be established around the regions labeled
as 6 or 7, probably up in the mountains, since they, you know, guard
the secrets of magical power and such. The forest between Regions 4
and 6 has my eye as being the potential location for the Fey Kingdom.
I'm also thinking that a collection of druidic tribes and other
exiles from civilization might have made their home in the large
forest the west of Region 4
once we have these nations finalized, we can start naming specific
regions and locations so they're not simply referred to by such vague
terms as “the northernmost woods” or the “northern sea” or
“the large river that runs through the southern desert”. That
will make things significantly more interesting, but it's still a
little ways off. Climb one mountain at a time and such.
4 is going to be the Anglo-Saxon kingdom. I'd like to keep the
Anglo-Saxon kingdom and the Teutonic kingdom in as high a latitude as
possible, and therefore, Region 6 is the Teutonic kingdom (and the
tieflings will inhabit the long mountain range just to the South).
Region 2 is going to be the Iberian nation, and at this juncture, I'm
very certain I'm going to model it after Spain, just after the
Reconquista. Therefore, Region 2 is going to be modeled after the
Islamic Caliphate of Córdoba (or the kingdoms of Al-Andalus) (with
its capital modeled after the city of Córdoba itself, (and likely
Granada as well) thereby giving it a distinct fusion of Moorish and
European medieval aesthetics).
La Rendición de Granada, Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz, 1882,
leaves us Regions 3, 5 and 7. I think Region 3 is a good location for
the Orc/Goblin/Troll nation, as it is isolated from the other
nations, and it is not too hard to believe that human settlements
would distance themselves from such monsters and that such a
xenophobic sentiment might be mutual from the orcs/goblins/trolls.
Nevertheless, it would also be highly entertaining if this kingdom
had a significant degree of diplomatic or trade power to exert on the
rest of the civilized world. Maybe they even helped form a treat
between the belligerent countries of 1 and 2 at some point. These are
some rare chances to add some flare and flavor to your campaign
setting – that is to say, finding ways of turning stereotypes
(particularly fantasy tropes) onto themselves. You never know how you
might create an interesting story element for your campaign setting
just by thinking of a simple way to shake things up. It doesnt have
to be cleverly inventive; the simple tricks often work the best.
regions 5 and 7. I think that Region 5 should be a seafaring
kingdom/mercantile nation that sould be heavily influenced by its
larger neighbor to the North (2), but should retain a considerable
amount of autonomy due to its economic power. Alternatively, it could
long ago have been beset by Nation 2, representing an irresistible
opportunity to gain power and wealth (as most economic centres of the
world are wont to become). Regardless, the mountains between 2 and 5
are going to be sheer and treacherous and any protracted military
campaign across their summits will be expensive and likely to meet in
catastrophic failure, so it's a good bet that Nation 5 is independent
and safe until 2 can figure out a way to get across the peaks. Right
now, Portugal sounds like an excellent precedent to loan to Region 5,
and I'll work with that for the time being.
is going to be the tricky one. The area is filled with sounds, fords,
lakes and other large inlets from the sea, which immediately conjures
imagery of a Nordic society; however, as I've already decided that I
want 4 and 6 to represent the Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic countries, 7
doesn't really get that option. And I want the Teutonic country to
abut the Anglo-Saxon country, so that doesn't really leave too many
options. You know. That gives me an idea. Perhaps the Sea traversed
by Teutonic settlers from Area 7 and led to them settling in Region 6
and eventually Region 4 before being thwarted moving downward in
droves by the mountainous barrier between the northern latitudes and
the more temperate central region of the land. That would mean that 4
and 6 were really part of one kingdom, but could reflect two
sub-kingdoms, much like the real Anglo-Saxon era England was. I like
that notion. It creates opportunities for petty lords and sub-kings
to wage their own wars with one another while the King himself
struggles to maintain order in his squabbling territories. This also
gives the Teutonic kingdom some degree of isolation and could magnify
the importance of the mysterious tieflings in their culture. In fact,
the more I look at it, there is a large unoccupied island in the
middle of the northern sea. This might be the perfect location for
the tieflings and their mystical well of magical energy.
it looks like I've successfully mapped out my kingdoms and regions.
Now it's time for some political boundaries, which means more
map-making. So, I open up our trusty map again in Photoshop and
select the “Overlay” layer that we established a while ago.
Firstly, I'll run Edit > Stroke on the inside of the layer. I
choose a somewhat conspicuous color – purple in this case (hex
7a2a97) set at an opacity of 70% and a thickness of 5px. It's also
important to create a new layer before applying the stroke; I create
a new layer titled “political boundaries” and apply the stroke on
this layer (we just used the overlay layer to get the correct region
Our layers so far.
stroke will probably look a bit jagged and unappealing, so just run a
gaussian blur filter over it (set to 1px) and that should take care
of the problem. Now, it makes the most sense to have 4 be bounded by
the rivers surrounding it (rivers have always been important historic
borders), so I color those in using the brush, essentially just
tracing over the rivers. I decide the southeasternmost boundary will
run all the way to the most distal artery of the river, literally
abutting the fringe of Nation 2.
According to my settlement map, this
area is very heavily populated and as such, we can conclude that this
area is perhaps hotly contested between the nations of 4 and 2, with
some of the most economically viable cities of 4 located on one side
and the likely seat of the government for 2 located on the other
side. Perhaps this border is even a site of continuous battle. Maybe
the settlers on either side of the river have seen the land change
hands far too many times to be concerned with issues such as
“nationality”. It's a possibility. I'll move onto 2 now, as they
present an interesting problem – there is no definitive boundary
between 2 and 1, which leads to the question of how and why did they
determine to have an arbitrary border between the two countries?
Otherwise, the borders for 2 are delineated by the mountains that
surround it. That's when it hits me; 1 will be a tributary state to
2, much like the real Caliphate of Córdoba became after the Christian
kingdoms of Northern Spain beset it. 1 will retain a significant
degree of autonomy, but ultimately defers to 2 in political and
commercial matters. This also considerably expands the resources
available to 2 as a kingdom and is starting to give the impression
that it is the dominant power in the Theatre of the Realm here
(particularly as 5 serves as a de facto trade outpost/ally to 2 and
is all but entirely out of the reach of 4. 4 will likely rely on a
steady trade relationship with the Merfolk kingdom that I had
mentioned in the previous post. 6 probably trades regularly with 7
and 3 might risk trade with 1; or perhaps there is a trade agreement
between the dwarves in the mountain range between 3 and 1, part of an
intensive effort to maintain peace and stability in the area
(particularly if I continue with the idea of making the
Orc/Goblin/Troll nation one of consummate diplomats). For the time
being, even though 1 is a tributary state to 2, I create an
artificial border between the two regions, mainly for my own purposes
at understanding the outermost limits of 2.
drawing these borders, 5 is already contained within its boundary
against 2, 1 and the ocean; and 6 has also been locked into its
borders between 4, 2 and the sea. I finish by drawing a border along
the river that straddles regions 7 and 3, making that the border that
defines those two countries. Looks like our political mapping is
done. I make the political lines thicker by running a 5px stroke on
the boundaries layer.
we move forward, I'll drop the opacity on the political boundaries so
they don't obstruct the image on the whole; but for now, we need it to
visualize how everything is fitting together.
Political Boundaries
finish today's post off, we'll start brainstorming fitting names to
match with our countries. I've already brainstormed a few that sound
quite usable, but even if it comes down to only two potential
choices, it still makes it incredibly difficult to pick what an
entire nation should
be named. I'll attempt to do my best for now, but I'm incredibly
picky when it comes to names, so this may be a bit more intensive
than you might initially think.
- Our Caliphate of Córdoba knock-off/tributary state to Nation 2: we need something that has a Moorish or Muslim flare to it but without overtly plagiarizing a real-world source (though obscure ones are acceptable). So far, I've come up with Marad, Arahim, Vasir, Jaffa and Jetar (the latter two of which have a soft 'j' sound as in bonjour). I'm leaning toward Jetar at this point. Though, Marad does also have a very appealing sound to it. I'll go with Marad. In this invented language, I decide that it translates as “Sea of Sands”. The Emirate of Marad? The Caliphate of Marad? The Caliphate of Marad. Done.A view of how I imagine Marad to be. I'll search for imagery and scenes that depict the various areas of Dragonsgate later on. Probably in a "World Tour" post of sorts.
- Our post-Reconquista Spanish nation: I've invented a couple of names that sound fitting – Andujas (I like the resemblance to barajas) and Terrego (I like the use of terra as a root), both of which have an appropriate sound. Also, I like the idea of making the name of the capital city Alatriste, a nod to the infamous Captain Alatriste, main protagonist of the works by Arturo Perez-Reverte (which, if you like swashbuckling adventures, I highly recommend). Not to sound biased, but Andujas/Terrego is already sort of becoming my favorite. In fact, I'm going to name the country Andujas, leaving Terrego to become a prominent city in the land. In this world, Andujas means “Burning Winds” as the hot siroccos from the deserts of Marad and the wastes beyond the oases that sustain the desert kingdom roll over the Kingdom, creating its characteristic temperate, dry, chapparal climate.
- The Orc/Goblin/Troll nation (which I am getting very tired of referring to it as) desperately needs a name. But that's a lot of different monsters to reconcile with one another, so I might go with a name that can be easily translated into the “Common Language”, something that they would likely always be referred to as by outside nations but would probably disdain themselves (after all, they are, if anything, poorly understood as a nation). After considering this for a while, and remembering that the Region 3 sits upon rapidly escalate to a cold plateau, I decide to call the region Pazu, which literally means “the Plateau” in Orc (yes – I just made that up right now. I don't know orcish. However, there are Tolkien scholars that do).
- The Anglo-Saxon kingdom needs a name that sounds very Medieval and quintessentially English. As such, it might be a literal name such as Wessex or Sussex – literally West Kingdom and Southern Kingdom respectively. I like the name Windmarch, and I reason that the name alludes to the oceanic breezes that pass over and through the mountains that converge at the peninsula of Windmarch.
- For our pseudo-Portuguese trade hub, I have it down to the names Ferrago and Contão. Both sound Portuguese, or at least vaguely so. Ferrago sounds the stronger of the two, but I think that Contão should still see service as another city.
- Following the logic for Windmarch, we'll employ a name that fits to the geographical identity of the country. Seagate sounds like a good name, and appropriate given how important the northern sea is to the relationship between Seagate and the Teutonic nation.
- Finally, we have only to come up with a name for the Teutonic nation. For some reason, Eindhoven comes to mind. It sounds good and seems to fit with the rough regional identity. Eindhoven it is.
we have our country names and we can really start jamming ahead with
this campaign setting. Everything from this point is finer details
that will serve to enhance the clarity of the setting and make it
more servicable for active Campaign Duty. Next, we'll start delving
into the history of Dragonsgate
and investigating the nomenclature utilized for the rest of the
geographical features, such as the woods, mountains, rivers, lakes,
seas and sounds.
current map looks very bleh, in my opinion. But that's mainly because
it's meant to illustrate a few crucial pieces of information at this
point, all of which are easily hidden or removed as necessary.
Anyway, here's what we have so far:
Cheers until next time!
Whatever happened to the "interesting peninsulas" from Part 2? Will you plan on making them major cities or military forts? I can definitely see Ferrago's being of particular importance since it oversees the that river and bay.
ReplyDeleteDo Andujas and Pazu have the cavalry to control the large plains in their countries? I seem to recall that medieval nations take the shape of their geography and their ability to hold territory. This was, of course, based on the "tools" at their disposal. For medieval France, they were able to take large swaths of land due to their heavy cavalry.
Andujas makes me think of the hazelnut candy Gianduja http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gianduja_(chocolate). It's delicious. There better be some cacao and hazelnut in that Andujan forest!
Pazu --> Pazuzu! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pazuzu http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5ehmPOSutQY/T8V64a88kwI/AAAAAAAAA-E/YcCqlmG2U-g/s1600/Pazuzu2.jpg
I really should get back to the 'interesting peninsulas' - I think I got carried away with moving forward and they just sort of got drowned out in the commotion. Ferrago definitely enjoys some major trade perquisites, but it has the looming threat of Andujas constantly keeping them on tenterhooks. We'll see how things flesh out, particularly as I detail the places in the upcoming "World Tour" post. Andujas definitely needs some major cavalry elements to maintain its holdings. The terrain itself and its lack of natural resources would make outposts difficult to place, so whatever cavalry is on the books might have to be reptilian or otherwise capable of handling severe desert temperatures, particularly in the south. That will also be detailed in future posts. Right now, I was starting by blocking out the nations and their general characteristics. Now come the details. I'll see what I can do about the chocolate ;D And yes, the Pazuzu connection was not lost on me haha. Pazuzu also makes an appearance in Sepulchrave II's Wyre forum on ENworld. Although, the site was hacked in December and most of their material was destroyed. There is actually a kickstarter project begun in an attempt to rebuild the site and make it significantly better http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/enworld/rebuilding-en-world
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments :D